The High Place - mission statement

who and what is Dark Angel?
The title of Dark Angel has been the cause of confusion on the part of many people:  most don't understand why i watch a show with such a "blasphemous" name when i claim to be a child of God.  They don't know is what the connotation of the title really is, and neither did i once upon a time.  I didn't want to give the show a chance, but God had other plans for my life.

Angels are by nature beings of light, even Satan himself.  Since my first episode, Prodigy, Max has displayed remarkable courage and strength.  Her childhood was full of darkness.  She was genetically engineered to be the perfect soldier and growing up in Manticore she didn't know anything of the outside world:  only of mission, the team, and destruction.

Max and eleven of her brothers and sisters escaped Manticore, but since then she has had to run from her past in order to stay free.  Since that time she has fought to become more than a soldier, to build herself a life.  She rebels against authority, and at first you think that she doesn't care about anything but herself, but then you start to see the real her.  Her friend Logan is on a mission to save the world:  she feels obligated to help him.  He'll help her find her siblings, she'll do the legwork, but along the way they fall in love and Manticore cooks up some new battles along the way.

Ultimately Max has shown time and again that she's more than a soldier:  she's a guardian angel for all who are endangered and opressed.  In the beginning she did it to pay back a debt that can't be repaid, now it's slowly changed into something more.  Despite the darkness of her past she isn't a emotionless killing machine:  she's slowly become a woman of compassion and great responsibility.  Now she's the leader and guardian of all the Freaks (transgenics, a.k.a. genetically enhanced killing machines) she let out of Manticore when she finally decided to make a stand:  and they're not giving in without a fight.

But with each passing week its become more and more obvious that she may be even more than that:  she may be the last defense against a cult of Humans who want to annihilate everyone who isn't as genetically "perfect" as them after thousands of years of selective breeding.  Her dna may provide the only key to survival in a dark and broken world, and she is only beginning to discover what her destiny is.

when and where is Dark Angel?
Dark Angel is set in Seattle in the year 2021.  Max works as a Bicycle Courier for Jam Pony and Logan is Eyes Only, a cyberjournalist whose cable hacks reveal the truth in a dark world full of crime perpetuated by a corrupt government.

how did you come up with the title the High Place?
Contrary to what the title may lead fellow fans to believe, Pollo Loco is not my favorite episode of Dark Angel.  I chose the Space Needle nickname from the afore mentioned ep in honor of the introspective summaries Max makes at the end of each episode.  Her visits to the High Place have touched my life and helped drive my pursuit of God's will in every area of my life, including as a Freak (a Dark Angel fan).  God has used this show to revolutionize my life, and i believe that it has taught me how to better serve him and thus brought me closer to Him.

why Fire Angel?
My ultimate destination is the Good Place, or Heaven as i call it in RL, and everything in my life is driven towards loving others and making sure that i do everything that i can to show them how they can get there, too.  Dark Angel has shown me that my spiritual life and witness have been pretty stagnant in the past.  The show has taught me how to love others unconditionally, and i believe that is what is most important.  My goal as a writer and artist is to touch your life, reflect God's light, and radiate a fire that can only have been kindled by God's love.

Jessica Alba is a sister in Christ, and i feel like Max is a sister to me, too.  One of my biggest dreams is that i will one day have the chance to play her "sister" on the show, Jondy (young Jondy was played by Kyley Staham in the Pilot, but we haven't seen adult Jondy yet).  I began to wonder what Jondy would be like if we ever got to meet her, and since Max is the Dark Angel, i started to wonder if i could be the fire to illuminate her darkness, if only i have a chance.

Fire provides a light and heat that can cause warmth and comfort or blistering destruction.  Dying to one's self is the only way to come to God, and out of destruction comes new life.  When we see a fire, it's usually a reddish orange or yellow, but as fire gets hotter it turns blue, then black.  I want to be hot enough for Christ that my fire is a steady blue that grows hotter and darker still until my little fire is a blaze that can help change the world.

I'm not an angel:  i make mistakes and sin, but i strive to be more like Christ with each passing day.  I'm not normal, i'm not like other girls:  all i'm interested in doing is serving God and all i'm interested in being is me, whoever God wants me to be.  I want to be a guardian and defender of all that is good and true, i want to touch my world.  I believe that this is my destiny:  it is my gift, it is my curse, and i wouldn't want it any other way.  This webpage is my candle in a world of darkness.

the High Place ~ Fire Angel's Star in Void page ~ dark fire blog
ICQ:  38587177

Pictures are used courtesy of Manticore Kid Caps
and Dark Angel Nation - United We Stand.